Whiteboard Videos

{ Whiteboard videos }

Captivate your audiences with animated whiteboard videos

The internet is a big and busy place, which means a lot of competitors fighting for your audience’s attention. Whiteboard videos give your business a unique and quirky touch, helping to keep customers engaged with your brand. We create a whole variety of whiteboard videos, personalised just for you.

  • Product explainer videos
  • Brand values videos
  • Doodle videos
  • Explainer videos
  • Social videos
  • Sales videos
  • Product promotion videos
How we differentiate

What makes us stand out from the crowd?

We’re a team of specialists. Let us use our elite SEO expertise and smashing videography skills to help you make a video that’s different to the rest, helping you attract a greater audience.

Different From the Rest

There’s nothing more boring than being just like everyone else. That’s why we make our videos with a creative flair that’s different to that of your competitors, giving you an edge.

Keeping Customers Happy

We make sure to take your feedback on board and create factually correct video content that adheres to your branding guidelines. 100% satisfaction guaranteed!

{ FAQ }

What are the benefits? Six reasons why you should choose video marketing

Hold their attention

We live in a society where most people would rather watch a quick video than wade their way through a wall of text. Give your customers what they want with video marketing.

Spread the word

Videos are pretty shareable, meaning that, if your customers like what they see, there's potential for them to send your video to their friends, share it on Facebook and so on!

Search friendly

Videos are the kind of engaging content that Google loves. Watch your audience grow by posting your video on YouTube, the second largest search engine after Google, or even add it to your social media accounts.

Build trust

Videos are a great way to add personality and character to your brand, generating more trust from your consumers, which in turn makes it more likely that they'll choose you over your competitors.

Improved email marketing

Did you know that including a video in your email can increase the amount of recipients who click 'open'? Getting people to listen to your company message has never been easier. ‘

Influence, influence, influence!

Last but not least, videos are definitely a powerful selling tool. Personally appealing to your customer's emotions, providing real-life product examples and offering visual tutorials are all great aids that can't be provided by text alone.

Still have a question? Contact us: info@sociallyenterprise.com

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